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Express Entry Draw 252 | 500 Invited in Category-Specific Draw

The latest Canadian Express Entry draw was just held. Express Entry draw 252 saw a CRS score of 476 and invited 500 healthcare candidates in a healthcare occupation category draw. Express Entry Draw 252 Date of Draw: June 28, 2023 Number of Invitations Issued: 500 Minimum CRS: 476 Program Specified: Healthcare occupations (2023-1) Tie-breaking rule: November 12, 2023 12:47:27 UTC

First Category-Specific Draw: Express Entry draw 252 issued 500 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) of 476. Today’s draw was the first ever category-specific draw. Meaning that all candidates for this draw were selected from a select number of healthcare occupations from within the Express Entry pool.

Today’s draw is also the second of this week. Yesterday’s draw was an all-program draw which invited 4,300 candidates from all programs without any category restrictions. This means that all profiles in the Express Entry pool with a CRS score of 486 or higher could qualify.

Category-specific draws will allow the government to target those with skills and occupations most in demand in Canada. It will also be advantageous for those within these selected categories as the cut-off score will likely be lower compared to all-program draws. Todays category-specific draw for example, was 10 points lower than yesterdays all-program draw. According to the IRCC, future draws will be a mix of all-program draws, category specific draws and PNP specific draws.

What the Eligible Healthcare Occupations For This Draw?

Will Express Entry Still Hold All-Program Draws: Yes, Express Entry will hold different types of draws throughout the year, not just category-based draws. There will be 3 types of rounds.

General round of invitations: General rounds of invitations invites the top-ranking candidates in the Express Entry pool who are eligible for 1 of the 3 Express Entry Programs. The 3 programs include the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) and the Canadian Experience Class (CEC).

Program-specific rounds of invitations: Program-specific rounds invite the top-ranking candidates who are eligible for a specific Express Entry program. For example, the IRCC often has draws specifically for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), where only candidates who are eligible for a PNP are invited.

Category-based rounds of invitations: The Minister of Immigration will establish specific categories to meet specific economic goals across Canada. Once the categories are established, the top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligible for this category will receive an invitation.

How Can I Apply for Express Entry: Express Entry is a system used by the Canadian government to manage applications for Canadian permanent residency. Express Entry uses a point-based system, the CRS, to rank candidates’ profiles.

Applying to Express Entry is a two-step procedure. The first step is to submit your profile with the required documents. Required documents usually consist of language test results, educational credentials and passport or travel documentation.

After you submit a profile and receive an invitation to apply for Canadian permanent residence, you can submit your complete application for the IRCC to review. Your complete application should include supporting documents such as reference letters, additional identity documents, police clearance certificates, and results of a medical examination. Interested in learning more about your options to enter the Express Entry pool? Complete our free online assessment form today!

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